
Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Ghost Files by Apryl Baker


Cherry blossom lipstick: check
Smokey eyes: check
Skinny jeans: check
Dead kid in the mirror: check

For sixteen year old Mattie Hathaway, this is her normal everyday routine. She’s been able to see ghosts since her mother tried to murder her when she was five years old. No way does she want anyone to know she can talk to spooks. Being a foster kid is hard enough without being labeled a freak too.

Normally, she just ignores the ghosts and they go away. That is until she see’s the ghost of her foster sister… Sally.

Everyone thinks Sally’s just another runaway, but Mattie knows the truth—she’s dead. Murdered. Mattie feels like she has to help Sally, but she can’t do it alone. Against her better judgment, she teams up with a young policeman, Officer Dan, and together they set out to discover the real truth behind Sally’s disappearance.

Only to find out she’s dealing with a much bigger problem, a serial killer, and she may be the next victim…

Will Mattie be able to find out the truth before the killer finds her?

 Book 1 in the series of 6 Books

First published in 2013 - Kindle Edition 284 pages


I didn't really know what to expect with this book ... but I will say that I was pleasantly surprised. I found that the characters were very likeable - except for Tommy - and I totally get how Mattie was so independent - being put through the foster system will do that to you.

I found the story line easy to read and it flowed quite well - the characters all came to life in their own way ... and the twist in the book was unexpected but welcome.

My one complaint - there did not need to be a love connection - they could have just stayed as good friends ... but I guess it's something that so many look for in every story.

I am keen to read the 2nd book at some point ...

RATING : ♥ ♥ ♥

2024 - About time I got posting


It's been a minute or 2 since I posted here ... so sorry about that.
Things have been all over the place this year ... only now it is starting to settle down
and before we know it Christmas will be here.
I am going to do a makeover on the blog ... and get back to posting reviews
on the Books I read - the TV Shows I watch - and the Movies that fill in all those
blank spots for me.

So ... while I cruise through my Blog List and see what's happening on others blogs
and create a new look for here ... I will be around ...